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Music and what it brings to the soul.

Demo by National Park Radio <click here to listen to six tracks,(note: if you click on the sound wave or the orange arrow next to the title demo it will play all six songs for you). 

I have always enjoyed music as far back I as I can remember, being a kid I remember some of the best songs from way back in the late 60s, 70s, 80s, and to present day. I never have been limited to any one artist or type of music, my soul desires more than that. The talent that comes from the artist , the sound, the lyrics, and the style in which they play or perform. Above is one example of a group of young men from the south in Arkansas writing the songs and performing them for crowds all over the USA. You can find songs from them on facebook,, YouTube, and some other song networks. They have a good folk sound and they’re family men that do this for the love of the music, it is what their souls desire them to do.

When I first found these guys I played a song called December for Little Miss, she was only about four or five months old, and she was dancing in her seat to the song. I video taped it and sent it to one of the band members via facebook and these guys got a kick out of it. They came to Colorado a few months later, but I was not able to get off work to go see them perform. I have seen them via YouTube and I will someday see the live. One of the band members went to CU in Boulder, CO. so they come back here at least once and awhile to perform for the college kids.

Please check them out on the soundcloud, youtube, and facebook you might even get a free song download from one of the places.


I am getting old…..

feburary 12 2013 004

I just found out that I am getting old… last week I had to have a new computer built, I had lots of passwords saved on the computer and now they are gone, gone, gone. I used to have a good memory where I could remember most of them but not so much any more. I tried like crazy to get into two of my youtube accounts without any luck. I ended up having to make a new account and it is also linked to the same name on this blog.

My friends and family will notice that I made the change if you followed the other youtube accounts but this is the new one that I will be using from now on. Just Click on any of the youtube words in this post and it will take you to it.

Here is a short video one of many that will be on this site in the days to come.
